Opposite Of Bliss - Ignorance is burying your head in the sand and pretending that the world doesn't revolve around you. When you are ignorant, you live in a fantasy, deny the truth, and generally do not acknowledge reality.

Ignorance allows people to be cold, callous and unfeeling. When people are ignorant, they can go on and live their lives like they don't matter in the world, when people around them are suffering. Ignorance allows governments to write off the deaths of soldiers as mere "collateral damage." Moreover, ignorance allows us to drive our cars and pollute our air and oceans, leaving behind plastic bags and bottles and cigarette butts because we prefer not to see. Or accept the destructive effects of our actions. Ignorance allows people to turn a blind eye to human suffering, animal cruelty, police brutality, sex trafficking, domestic violence and domestic terrorism.

Opposite Of Bliss

Opposite Of Bliss

Those who are ignorant close their eyes. However, just because you turn your head the other way does not mean that the reality we all live in does not exist. Just because your head is in the sand doesn't mean the world around you is so good.

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If you've buried your head in the sand to avoid the harsh realities of life, I understand. Ignorance is also a defense mechanism. Ignorance prevents you from having to carry the weight of the world's problems on your shoulders. It makes it easier to get through the day if you don't know about all the pain and suffering going on in the world. Not knowing makes it easier to focus on the things in your life, the people that matter to you. Not knowing, or remaining ignorant of issues that affect humanity, can make life a little less stressful and a little more bearable. But, I beg you, if you have your head in the sand, please stop. If you live your life with your head in the sand, I guarantee it will seep into your eyes, nose, mouth, and eventually suffocate you.

Turning a blind eye makes things worse instead of better. As a society, if we don't admit that there are things that need improvement, we will never progress. If we don't believe that discrimination exists, it will never go away. If we don't admit that sex trafficking is a problem, it will never stop. Just like with alcoholism, the first step to dealing with this problem is to admit that you have an addiction.

So please, if you close your eyes or bury your head in the sand, start looking up. Start by acknowledging the problems. I beg you, stop convincing yourself that ignorance is bliss. Ignorance is sorrow, unhappiness and indifference, covered with a dumb, flying, wild cloak.

I am a Sahm, blogger, reader, Ph.D. I'm talking about real issues that affect real people. I share the mistakes I have made in my relationships with my spouse and children so that others can learn from my experiences. View more posts Meditation is an energy, possibly the most subtle energy. Even physicists feel that meditation must be a form of energy. Not only physiologists and psychologists, but even physicists feel that meditation is an energy, because it is slowly clear that if we look at something meditate on, the object is transformed. It is converted only by viewing the object.

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If we observe an atom, the behavior of the atom is not the same as when it is not observed. Our observation changes our behavior. For example, if a person walks alone on the street, he will walk in a certain way, and if suddenly another person comes on the street, his walk will immediately change. The change may be subtle but it is there.

You take a bath in your bathroom and if suddenly you find someone looking through the keyhole, your behavior changes. what happened The change in human behavior is understandable, but scientists say that change happens even in objects. Even objects move differently.

Experiments with meditation on flowers were carried out at Oxford's de la Barre laboratory. A man meditates lovingly on a flower, while another flower of the same type is left unattended. No one complains about the second flower. Although the flower is watered, the sun shines on it, every other arrangement is the same, but because of meditation, the first flower grows and blooms much more and the second flower remains dwarf. Seeds planted with meditation sprout faster than seeds planted without meditation. What makes the seeds different? Is the flower affected by the energy of meditation? There is no obvious connection, but there is definitely some energy at work on some level.

Opposite Of Bliss

Meditation is the food of the fourth body. The meditation we do is an attempt to awaken the fourth body. Beyond the four bodies, there is a fifth body, which the sages call the body of happiness. When a person reaches the body of consciousness and refines it through meditation, the most transparent body appears.

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The physical body can never be transparent, because the matter of which it is made is very impure. No matter how much you clean it, it naturally cannot become completely transparent. Prana energy is clearer, but not completely. The mental body can be made more transparent than the energy body, but still not completely. The most transparent entity is consciousness - completely transparent. It is so transparent that you can not only see through it, but even walk through it. It is so transparent that it has no resistance.

Meditation is the purest energy, the purest energy possible. If you go through it, you won't even feel it - no resistance, no obstacles. If you are in the purest energy of consciousness, you will not even recognize the fourth body. And interestingly, as soon as you enter the body of consciousness, you don't feel the body, you feel the body of happiness.

Try to understand that the fourth body is so pure that it cannot be seen separately as the fourth body. It is like the clearest glass that seems to be invisible. If it is visible, there is still some impurity. If it is pure, only then is it completely invisible. But even glass is matter... it may not be visible and not a barrier to the eye, but if you pass through it, you will meet it.

But consciousness is the purest energy ever known. The most subtle energy available through yoga, through meditation, is consciousness, awareness. So when you are fully awake, you are not aware of the awakening, you are aware of being happy. Beyond the body of consciousness is the body of bliss - only the body of bliss is experienced. The fifth body is happiness. And the sages also called it the body; It is not the self, it is also a body. Sages say that happiness is also the body.

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Try to understand some things about it. First, as I told you, the fourth is the purest body, but it can also be impure. Although it is the purest, it can become impure. It is impure in us, it is extremely impure. It is pure through meditation, it becomes impure due to negligence; It is pure through consciousness, impure through unconsciousness. Therefore, all intoxicants basically harm the body of consciousness. They can also harm other bodies, but that is another matter. Also, intoxicants may be beneficial for other bodies, but harmful to the body of consciousness. Alcohol can sometimes be beneficial for the physical body. And alcohol can also activate your vital energy strongly. So often the happiness and strength you feel after drinking alcohol belongs to your vital energy.

Alcohol can also be beneficial to the thinking process in several ways. It means to help people who live in thought - poets, writers, painters, sculptors - people who live by imagination and give form to their thought, here it can be of some use. But it certainly harms the fourth body and is never beneficial for it, because unconsciousness is impure and consciousness is purity for the fourth body. Any kind of unconsciousness is harmful to him. The fourth body may be the purest of all, but it may become impure. Both possibilities exist

The special thing about the fifth body is that it is the purest body. It cannot become impure. That's why there is no word against happiness. Joy is against sadness, peace is against chaos, love is against hate, consciousness is against unconsciousness. But happiness has no opposite. Happiness is the only word that has no opposite. If someone wants to say "no luck", that's all

Opposite Of Bliss

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